hollister interview.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
12:21 PM
yesterday i had my interview at hollister. i honestly believe i nailed that interview, nailed the questions i mean even the manager said "she just nailed that answer to let yall know" to the other kids at the interview. plus i went in there like i owned the shit, like the bad bitch i am. LOL. while sitting there during the interview i noticed a couple things about the kids who were also there. one of the guys showed up 15 mins late. seriously for a job interview how are you doing to show up 15 mins late? you suppose to be showing them how you would be if you were there employee.

on the first test you're going to fail & expect the job. plus the kid came in looking like a hot mess. how the hell are you going to walk into hollister as a hot mess? all you have to do is wear one of their shirts & a pair of their jeans. lol it aint that hard.

THEN! when we were closing the interview the lady asked "do you guys have any other questions?" a female walks up & says "im here for the interview." the lady looks at her asking her if she had called to say she was going to be late, and the girl looks at her "call? why would i call?" the lady says BECAUSE YOUR INTERVIEW WAS AT 4. lol. in my head im laughin like bitch you just got fired before you were hired. But the best part is when the girl tried telling the lady that whoever called her said the interview was at 430. the lady looks at her & said, honey i called you & i said 4. i was dying inside. Then the girl was like, alright i'll talk to you after the interview, so the lady says alright & we finished up the interview. As im walking outside i notice the girl getting in her car, im like damn bitch you must really not want a job.

honestly i can never see myself showing up late to an interview, or even dressing like a bum. i mean yeah to my hollister interview i wore jeans & a cute shirt, but it was hollister clothes & thats what they wear while they work. I also am 10 mins early to interviews, & dressed to impress. & we all know thats fine as hell. LOL.

Oh yeah! when i walked in, i saw one fine ass guy. I promise you, if i get hired; he better be single cause i'ma try & talk with him. By looking at him he looks spanish, but im not sure. Im definately going to keep my fingers crossed. Hollister has another group interview at 4 on friday, and after that interview they are going to call us all. Give us the yay or nay. So everyone better be praying for me to get this job & keep ya'll fingers crossed. :]

interview time.
Monday, January 26, 2009
9:48 PM
Today i went out on a job search again, & while at Hollister they told me interview tomorrow at 4. So im really excited & im hoping that them giving me an interview right away means i will have a job! i'll be sure to look extra cute in my lil hollister outfit, & put on the "im the baddest" front so i can be hired. hopefully shit finally falls in place for me. my bills are piling up & i really need to get back on my feet. i absolutely hate being behind in bills. i have such good credit that it scares me to death for it to even been messed up. yeah i worry about a lot of shit a normal 21 year old doesnt.
anyways ya'll better pray & wish me luck on this job, cause i need it so damn bad.

Obama 08'
Thursday, January 22, 2009
12:26 AM

George Clooney -
"I congratulate President-elect Obama on his historic victory, and now it's time to begin unifying the country so we can take on the extraordinary challenges that this generation faces."

EriQ -
"I think it's a blessing that we've broken so many boundaries. From sports, to businesses, and also with politics. Obama has shown us that we CAN do it. Not just race wise, but PEOPLE wise."

Oprah -
"It feels like hope won. It feels like it's not just victory for Barack Obama. It feels like America did the right thing."

Kelsey -
"it was one of those things, one of those events in your life, where you remember EXACTLY where you were, what you were doing, what you were wearing, what you were eating, every detail. i'm so proud to have voted & been a part of history. the goosebumps i get when he speaks, prove .. we're in for something amazing. progress, change, & hope. it's all ours!"

Usher -
"This will go down in history, in black history, for all of the sacrifices that the great Joseph Lowery and Martin Luther King made, this actually pays off for their sacrifice. ... I'm speechless. I don't even know what to say."

Brandon -
"I think that is beautiful to see change..and by change I mean change as far as the US as a whole..accepting a black man as president..but at the same time I fear the extreme expectations people have for a man who for one is coming in after probably the worst president in history and two IS the first black man!"

Diddy -
"I felt like my vote was the vote that put him into office. ... And that may not be true but that's how much power it felt like I had."

Jeffrey -
"Too many people, particularly blacks, are zealously hyping up this foggy image that we are now saved and finally all our woes will be fixed....well for me, its far from it. This won't change the everyday struggles we continue to face in the ghetto, the police brutality, nor will it immediately solve most of the issues we face within the community. I'm proud of Obama, but I'm getting a little tired of blacks thinking that he will address what's wrong within our local communities - which is where we're affected the most."

Colin Powell -
"We're very, very proud to have a new American president who also happens to be African-American ... As I watched [the news anchors call the election] — pretty moving moment. Everybody cried ... I am overjoyed."

Cassie -
"I wish i couldve voted, but just to know that i will be around to see what he will be able to do to help american is a great feeling. seeing my familys reaction was the best, my mom said she wouldve never thought that she would live to see the day there was a black president."

Spike Lee -
“It’s a great day, it’s a beautiful morning, a new dawn, a new beginning - not just in America but the world over.

Tony -
"He's the first black but shit still going to be the same."

Madonna -
“I’m so fucking happy right now.”

Tre -
"I believe he'll be a good president, minus all the remarks such as, "we finally got a president with rhythm", and all that."

random rant.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
7:15 PM
honestly, this is one of my biggest pet peeve's im about to talk about, and i hope people learn something from this. as an individual when i have money, i am the type of person if you need something ill be kind enough to give up money to help you out. Whether it is a bag of candy, or you need to be bailed out of jail, i am always willing to help my friends out. the thing i can not stand is when people like me are nice enough to help those close to us in need, yet when we struggle everyone seems to have nothing to help us out.

right now im at the point in my life i have never been before. a couple months ago, i had a full time job, money coming out of every pocket, living in my own house, and living life with not a worry on my mind. As of today, i haven't had a job since nov. i have applied all over hell, online, in person, resume posted online and have not had any bites. i am willing to work wherever i need to work. I can't even pay my bills. Yet i have multiple "friends" out there that owe me money, enough money to pay off my bills. Lets see, i bailed one out for 300, one kid owes me 100, another 50. I have confronted them about the money situation and they all say the same thing. "Well im living at home, i dont have a job, all my money i get goes to the court system, i just bought all this equipment, i did this, i did that, blah blah blah" ALL BULLSHIT.

you have enough money to buy ciggs, drugs, alcohol, gas money for your friends to drive your ass around yet you cant give me one cent to at least pay some of what you owe me back. when they are in need, they expect everyone to drop money down for them, but when their friend is in need they can't help for shit. After this situation, people wonder why they loose their friends. If you were a true friend, you wouldnt dog your friend for money. The worst part of the situation is people don't understand why you turn from being a nice friend, to a total bitch. If you owe me 300 and havent done anything to pay back for over 4 months, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO BE NICE? seriously.

first interview.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
4:25 PM
Since I lost my job i believe it was Nov 4, i FINALLY have my first interview for a job. I'm extremely nervous though. It is for Cafe 20, which is a little cafe joint near my house. I do have prev experience waitressing, so it should be simple. The only thing im seriously nervous about is the fact that the interview is a group interview. The gentleman called me & told me that there will be 10 of us being interviewed at once. NOW TELL ME IF I'M WRONG, but i thought interviews were one on ones? I mean when it comes to me talking in front of a group of people, im so shy! i get all nervous and shit, so now im freaking out about this stupid interview.

Tips people have given me so far include stand out from the crowd, make sure to answer all questions, & be very assertive yet aggressive.

So im about to go start getting ready, i have yet picked out what i am wearing tonight. I will be sure to come back & post on how the interview was & hopefully i will have a new job! yay. lol

Erin Marie 23 years young - female Born & raised in Chicago.
