Thursday, March 25, 2010
12:25 PM

Honestly how many people can you say understand what a real friendship is about? I think roughly about 1.5% of all people. Seriously.
People i thought were my real friends take every chance they can to hurt me when i least expect it. Whether its by the words they say or the actions they do. As soon as my back is turned, they want to spit out all this false, negative statements about me to make me look back just because they have fucked up. Asking to borrow something such as money, swearing up and down they will return it, & never returning it. I look at the situation such as .. if i have something & my friend needs it, i'll let them have it. Yet i feel that way for my friends, so when someone takes advantage of that knowing they aren't a friend it pisses me off.
I can stunt & pretend to be anyones friend to get what i want, but that is not the person i am. If someone gives me something, i want it because i deserve it, not because i begged for it. i work hard for whats mine & honestly i wish others would as well.
In my eyes, this is what a real friendship consists of. Yes friends have arguments, & dont get along at all times. Yet friends are able to discuss & work out their disagreements. They dont have to walk around disrespecting eachother, and treating eachother as if they were absolutely nothing. Friends can hang out every single day & never get sick of eachother, & they can have understandings that no one else understands. Inside jokes, no one understands, things that can make us laugh as everyone else looks at us with a "wtf" face. The best friendships are when you can cuss eachother out, & two mins later you are laughing about something as if the argument never even existed.
What's so hard about being a real friend? if you don't like someone, don't pretend. Your not only wasting your time, but everyone else's as well.

11:56 AM
just imagine
my pen
your pad
empty lines
beckoning for our love to preach
gather around everyone
and allow him to show you love
we will show you love in its truest form
we can wove it together
string by string
so it can forever be warn.

Ever felt like the love you have for someone is the best love you've ever imagined? i honestly can say ive been there, and done that. It makes you feel so amazing, like nothing in the world can destroy what you have become, or what you have. then reality hits you right upside the head .... you've been cheated on. he has a girl on the side & baby on the way. infidelity ... such a huge issue these days between everyone you come across. okay maybe not everyone but a HUGE majority of the people you come across. It's happened to me so many times, that honestly it doesn't hurt me at all anymore. I look at it like "ah you cheated, okay thanks for proving you weren't worth shit." & then i keep it moving. but sometimes i want to ask so many questions & since i really don't care about the dude anymore, i never seem to ask. i just brush him off & act like i never knew him. So i'll ask here. . . .

* Why do you get into a relationship knowing you can't remain faithful to your girl/boy friend?
* What is the purpose of being unfaithful?
* What do you get for cheating? Is there a prize i was never informed about?
* How do you feel after you have been unfaithful to the one you supposedly care about?
* do you realize the risks of cheating before you do it?
* what if you were to cheat on your loved one & bring an std home to them?
* if you are grown enough to cheat, why arent you grown enough to let your partner know you aren't feeling them & would like to see someone else?
* is pussy really that big of a trophy?
* how dirty do you feel after sleeping with one person & going home to another?

lawll there are so many more things to ask. i've always just been curious about these things. im sure no one will ever answer those questions, but eh i mine as well ask right?

Erin Marie 23 years young - female Born & raised in Chicago.
